True Birth Maine

Get to know

Holistic support services for courageous women who are ready to align with their inner truth and own their lives, pregnancies, and births.

Mission Statement: Guiding women on the path to sovereign lives and births through trust, connection, and truth. When we birth in wholeness, we heal the world.

Core Values: True Birth Maine lives by the core values of truth; courage; woman-led birth; medical and birth sovereignty; informed, aligned decision making; body consciousness; trust- in the process of birth, in the perfection of the human body and in the instinctual wisdom of the mother-baby unit; non-violence, mindfulness, honoring the sanctity of birth and non-fear-based education.

What we do: The work we do together is focused on unlearning years of cultural programming, releasing limiting beliefs about birth and womanhood, and stepping into the creative power that is our birthright as women. We question cultural norms that take power away from mothers and place it in the hands of authority figures, institutions and technologies. Our offerings like one-on-one coaching, virtual courses, guided meditations, and movement classes are designed to connect each woman to the spark of sacred truth that resides inside her unique being, reminding her that she has the power to birth and live with authority.

1:1 Virtual or In-Person Coaching: When you hear the word childbirth, what thoughts do you think? What images, sounds and stories come to mind? Are they violent, scary or sad? Why? Are these your stories, or were they planted in you by an industry and society which mistrust women’s bodies, and which profit greatly from women mistrusting their own bodies? Why is pregnancy seen and treated as a state of disease and why is birth so widely regarded as a medical emergency? Are these norms, taken as fact in our world, really true? The exploration of questions like these is fundamental to the philosophy of True Birth Maine and serves as the foundation of my coaching practice.

Virtual Mini-Courses: Our courses are a unique combination of childbirth education, mindfulness practice and conscious dialogue, with video modules and journaling prompts scattered throughout to keep you engaged and exploring. You will uncover your deepest truth, layer by layer. All courses are self-paced self-directed, meaning you are responsible for your own experience. Course library is not yet active, stay tune for release dates!

Local in-person Support: This is where True Birth Maine gets really fun! Being a native Mainer myself, my passion lies in providing direct support to the unique women and families in my local community, whether that’s non-medical birth support, post-partum support, or even nighttime infant care. The very best part is that these services are completely customizable, and designed to provide exactly what your family needs. I’ve got you, sister. We’ll meet for a chat to iron out how I can provide the best support, and then re-evaluate weekly or monthly. This service is designed to be simple, easy, and flexible.

Thank you for visiting True Birth Maine. Let’s create some magic together!

In Love and Sisterhood,
